Month: January 2022

  • МТ5 MT5: инструкция по настройке Платформа Metatrader 5: скачать бесплатно торговый терминал

    скачать метатрейдер 5

    Для этого сначала нужно скачать Метатрейдер 5 на компьютер (сделать это, разумеется, можно совершенно бесплатно). Удобный, интуитивно понятный сервис с возможностью загрузки на ПК, мобильных устройствах и в браузере. Экономический календарь и новости транслируются внутри платформы.

    • WebTrader MT5 позволяет безопасно и за секунды начать торговлю с любого устройства с доступом в интернет.
    • Я, как и прежде, рекомендую брокера Альпари для работы с терминалом (в этом плане это весьма достойный брокер).
    • Здесь можно найти архивы котировок, обсуждения стратегий forex-торговли, полезных торговых советников, а также свежую аналитику рынков и ссылки на литературу.
    • Экономический календарь и новости транслируются внутри платформы.

    Forex МТ5 можно использовать на компьютере, в браузере, со смартфона или планшета. Платформа обеспечивает надежную установку защитных ордеров и отображает графики валютных котировок. Есть возможность проводить анализ рынка по техническому и фундаментальному методу. Мощная аналитика — еще одна отличительная черта платформы. Вы можете открыть одновременно до 100 графиков с котировками акций и валют. 21 временный период позволяет подробно изучать каждый из них и своевременно заметить движения цены.

    Вам остается только в несколько кликов оформить подписку у выбранного поставщика — и ваша платформа будет торговать без вашего участия. Хотите — наблюдайте за результатами, двойная вершина хотите — занимайтесь другими делами. Конкурс трейдеров — отличная возможность проявить себя и заработать стартовый капитал на трейдинг или игры Форекс.

    Здесь хранится полный отчет, включая такие показатели как коэффициент Шарпа, винрейт, матожидание прибыли. Группа кнопок для графического анализа и ручной разметки. Все нижерассмотренные кнопки Панели инструментов располагаются в четкой последовательности. Кнопки панели сосредоточены внутри красного маркера из картинки ниже. Открытие ордеров также доступно через верхнюю панель раздела “Новый ордер”. Особенных изменений мы не наблюдаем, здесь все аналогично Mt4.

    Основная информация о счете MT5

    Для нас, форекс трейдеров, эта функция не вызывает никакого интереса, но мы все же попытаемся ее разобрать. Окно позволяет выбрать какой-либо из доступных счетов (на разных серверах), индикаторов, советников, скриптов. Для наложения на график достаточно перетащить объект, зажав левую кнопку мыши. Пробуем воспользоваться помощью советника ExpertMACD. Настраиваем поднастройки и входящие параметры после перенесения его на график. Тут же наблюдаем отображение советника в верхнем правом углу нашего терминала.

    скачать метатрейдер 5

    Универсальная торговая платформа Metatrader 5 доступна для компьютеров с операционной системой Windows и мобильных устройств, работающих на платформе iOS или Android. В мощной мультирыночной платформе MetaTrader 5 есть все технические возможности для успешной торговли Как найти первую работу в IT на Форексе, фондовой бирже и рынке фьючерсов. Шаблоны позволяют экономить время на настройке параметров для торговли. Чтобы сохранить шаблон, нужно обратиться к контекстному меню и выбрать нужную вкладку. Под алертом следует понимать сообщение о важном событии .

    Скачать MetaTrader 5

    Этот тип ордера стоит применять, когда для входа в позицию нужно подтверждение достижения определенного уровня. Ждем пока цена достигнет уровень стоп-лимитного ордера, после чего активируется лимитный ордер, установленный на уровне отката. Нам предлагается открыть “Новый реальный счет” и “Новый демо-счет”. “Новый реальный счет” рекомендуется регистрировать через личный кабинет на сайте брокера.

    Непосредственно, в Альпари можно бесплатно скачать Metatrader 5 (русскую версию) по следующей ссылке. Интуитивно доступный интерфейс подойдёт даже начинающим трейдерам. Мы обеспечиваем трейдерам максимально выгодные условия торговли на Форекс рынке.

    Как установить мт5?

    Торговая платформа MetaTrader 5 – новейшая версия популярной торговой системы для работы на международном валютном рынке. Рыночные, отложенные и стоп-ордера также доступны при работе с платформой. Нет возможности установить десктопную версию или
    воспользоваться мобильным приложением? Metatrader 5 используется для торговли валютными парами на Forex, ценными бумагами, фьючерсами и опционами. Трейдерам доступны широкие возможности для автоматической (алгоритмической) торговли.

    • Непосредственно, в Альпари можно бесплатно скачать Metatrader 5 (русскую версию) по следующей ссылке.
    • Торговая платформа Metatrader 5 от предыдущей версии отличается немногим, поэтому трейдерам, работающим с МТ4, разобраться с функционалом будет несложно.
    • Компоненты алгоритма для торговли Метатрейдер 5 образуют интегрированную среду разработки MQL5 IDE.
    • Но для обычных трейдеров отличий между Метатрейдером 5 и Метатрейдером 4 в общем-то нет.
    • Присоединяйтесь к команде ВТБ Форекс прямо сейчас, открыв демо-счет на платформе MetaTrader 5.

    Наша компания по праву считается одним из лучших брокеров Форекс (Forex brokers) в России и лучшим брокером Украины и СНГ. Meta Trader 5 — последнее поколение популярнейшей торговой платформы. Терминал создан для что такое huobi торговли, технического и фундаментального анализа, создания торговых систем и копирования торговых сигналов. В данном окне отображаются текущие данные по свечам и прочим инструментам, наложенным на график.

    Как скачать бесплатную торговую платформу MetaTrader 5

    Деактивировать согласие на торговлю посредством советника возможно после отжатия кнопки “Авто-Торговля” в “Панели инструментов”. Как и в Mt4, на один график можно добавить всего один советник. Дополнительная команда вызова Навигатор – Меню Вид-Навигатор (Ctrl+N).

    Управление капиталом Forex — это профессиональный подход и минимум усилий в вопросах получения прибыли. Использование торгового терминала Мета трейд 5 для чайников не вызовет сложностей, т.к. В главном меню собраны все команды, которые используются для работы.

    Для наблюдения за всеми интересующими вас валютными парами или акциями в платформе можно открыть до 100 графиков. Каждый из них может быть представлен в 21 таймфрейме (временном периоде), от одной минуты до одного месяца. Это позволит видеть как сиюминутные колебания цен, так и долгосрочные тренды. Еще больше возможностей для подробного изучения котировок дадут 80+ встроенных технических индикаторов и аналитических объектов. А через
    дополнительные сервисы MetaTrader 5 — Библиотеку, Маркет и Фриланс можно скачать, купить и заказать даже самый сложный технический индикатор.

    Далее откройте программу и авторизуйтесь, создав учетную запись, или используя существующие данные. С целью наиболее эффективного предоставления сервиса клиенты из указанной вами страны регистрации обслуживаются на новом сайте. Alpari Comoros не предоставляет услуги гражданам США, Японии, Канады, Австралии, Северной Кореи, Европейского Союза и Великобритании. Компания FXOpen не предоставляет услуги резидентам Соединенных Штатов Америки. CORP. не оказывает услуги резидентам США, БВО, Японии и Российской Федерации.

    Все, что для этого требуется — это доступ в интернет. Пара кликов — и вы получаете доступ к своему счету и начинаете торговать.

    Торговые сигналы — услуга, которая позволяет автоматически копировать инвестиционные сделки в режиме онлайн на собственный счет. Сотни сигналов предоставляются бесплатно или за деньги на витрине MQL5 и соответствующей вкладке в личном кабинете трейдера. Выбранный сигнал можно сразу запустить в торги на валютном рынке или испытать на демо-счете.

    Обзор Metatrader 5

    MetaTrader 5 предоставляет встроенные инструменты для всестороннего фундаментального анализа — календарь экономических событий и новости из мира финансов. Фундаментальный анализ можно использовать для прогнозирования движения ценных бумаг и котировок. Конкретная цель на Форекс состоит в регулярном мониторинге показателей промышленности и экономики.

  • How to Create a Chart of Accounts in Construction Free Download

    chart of accounts for small construction company

    As a construction company, there are several things that you need to know as you build your chart of accounts. These considerations include project-based accounting, inventory and equipment management, and subcontractor and supplier accounts. Since construction accounting is project-centric, you’ll need a the accounting entry for depreciation way to track, categorize, and report transactions for each job.

    Make sure that each description provides enough information so that a new person on a job could dive in and easily make themselves familiar with your system. It’s important to stay on top of your liabilities to ensure that your company can meet its short-term obligations and have sufficient working capital or access to funds. In general, all assets that are used to fund long-term or future needs are reflected in capital assets accounts. With a proper dispute resolution clause in place, contractors, subs, and suppliers can avoid taking their disputes into litigation. We are a subcontractor and the GC we are working for is asking us to sign and notarize progress payment line waivers for amounts they have not paid us for, is this legal? Retained earnings are the profits that have been earned by the company but have not been distributed to the owners as dividends.

    1. Accounts are grouped into categories that correspond to the structure of a company’s financial statements.
    2. Advanced construction accounting software helps you build a solid financial foundation for your construction business.
    3. When putting together a list of expense accounts, it is best to consider the requirements of your specific industry.
    4. There is a generally accepted numbering structure for the accounts, so everyone’s accounts appear in roughly the same order.
    5. They can be tangible (physical things like equipment, or intangible (non-physical like brand value).

    Construction Project Delivery Methods Compared

    Revenue recognition is how a a business determines when they’ve officially earned revenue from a contract or project. As a reminder, accrual accounting recognizes transactions when they are earned or promised, regardless of when money actually switches hands. Subtracting COGS from total revenue is the surest way to determine your gross profit margin. Gross profit and gross profit margin is a tremendously useful tool that will allow you to measure the efficiency of your jobs, operations, and sales/bidding process.


    From this reason, a company can tailor its chart of accounts to suit its specific purposes and add accounts as needed. Smaller companies may have a single-page chart of accounts, while larger construction companies may have a ten or locking cash box 20-page chart of accounts. This knowledge is invaluable to management, investors, and stakeholders interested in your business.

    Keeping track of COGS is important because it allows you to accurately calculate the profit margin on each project and make adjustments to pricing as needed. Put some thought into carefully structuring and organizing your chart of accounts. This ensures that your financial transactions are recorded accurately and consistently.

    Overbilling occurs when a contractor bills for contracted labor and materials prior to that work actually being completed. Design a flexible COA that lasts as long as possible and grows with your company. For example, create large enough numerical account identifier ranges to accommodate future growth. When putting together a list of expense accounts, it is best to consider the requirements of your specific industry. A landscaper may choose to have accounts for repairing heavy machinery and for purchasing gross pay vs net pay: whats the difference mulches, trees, and shrubs.

    Completed contract method

    Having a chart of accounts that includes specific accounts for inventory and equipment management can help streamline this process. Direct Costs or Cost of Goods Sold (COGS) is the cost of the materials and labor used to complete a project. This includes expenses like materials, labor, equipment and subcontractors directly used to do a project.

    chart of accounts for small construction company

    Construction Software For

    This may include service work, design services, consulting, engineering, sourcing materials, and more. The completed contract method is best used for small jobs that are relatively short-term or when a project brings an inherent risk in completion. Under the completed contract method, you’ll recognize revenue after the contract’s completion (or substantial completion). Expenses are the costs incurred in the process of running and managing your business. This includes operating costs, payroll, overhead, supplies, materials, fuel, taxes, repairs, advertising, insurance, depreciation, and rent.

    The general ledger provides the backbone for a construction company’s accounting system and financial statements. It’s how financial transactions are categorized and determines what type of costs and income the company is tracking. Overall, having a chart of accounts that is tailored to the construction industry can help contractors and subcontractors manage their finances more effectively. A well-structured Chart of Accounts (COA) is essential for tracking income and expenses, ensuring accurate financial reporting, and gaining valuable insights into your business’s performance. In this comprehensive guide, we’ll walk you through creating a COA tailored specifically for construction companies in 2024.

  • 8 Best Invoicing Software for Freelancers in August 2024

    freelancers aren happy new invoice system

    An expense reimbursement request, also called an expense report, requests compensation for any business-related expenses the client promised to cover (for example, premium font purchase). You can send an expense reimbursement request as a separate invoice or roll it into your final invoice. You will only need to collect VAT from clients in the same zip code as your business.

    freelancers aren happy new invoice system

    The Best Invoicing Apps for Freelancers and Small Businesses

    Then set up a multi-currency business bank account (to avoid cross-border fees). Share your local banking deets with a contact and negotiate who covers the payment fees (if any are applicable). Invoice Ninja offers a free plan that will meet the needs of many freelancers. The free plan allows you to create unlimited invoices for up to 100 clients, recurring invoices, proposals, integration with 40+ payment gateways, and more. I’m listing PayPal first because it’s the easiest solution since you probably already have a PayPal business account (and your clients probably already use PayPal as well).

    • Mastering the art of invoice creation will help you be a more successful freelancer.
    • To start, I want to answer some of the biggest questions you might have about invoicing as a freelancer.
    • For small businesses and freelancers looking to get paid without the hassle, Square Invoices might just be the secret weapon you’ve been searching for.
    • As a freelancer I can invoice a client with consumption tax on the invoice, but not pay the consumption tax, yet the client can get the consumption tax he paid to me back.
    • Now really really, freelancers should be like “We are going to charge consumption tax so are increasing the tax inclusive amount by 10%. Please deduct things correctly” to businesses.
    • The advantage of recurring invoices is that you get timely, consistent payments (and can manage your cash flow better!).

    Leveraging Invoicing Software and Tools

    Using templates alone, you don’t have a centralized system for easy storage. You have to create a manual system for tracking when your invoices are paid and when you should follow up with clients. If you are a full-time freelancer or work with a lot of clients, you’ll want a more efficient solution, like invoicing software. To get easily paid by international clients, ask about their preferred invoice format. Most clients will have an invoice template you can use (or you can get one from your invoicing software provider).

    Freelancers aren’t happy with Japan’s new invoice system – The Japan Times

    Payment processing apps like PayPal, Stripe enable other ways for accepting client payments — via a payment link or a debit/credit card processing. The money arrives instantly, plus the client doesn’t need to type in any banking deets. Most freelancers send an invoice before and/or after delivering the service. You can request a project deposit (e.g., 50%) or a retainer (e.g., 100% prepayment) before sitting down to do the work. Or you can invoice the client in full after delivering the service.

    Recurring Invoices

    But if you’re interested in features like time tracking, expense tracking, and mileage tracking, Hiveage can be a good solution. With Akaunting, you’ll get free online software (open source) freelancers aren happy new invoice system that includes functionality for invoicing, expense tracking, customer management, and accounting tools. Harvest is primarily a time-tracking app, but it also includes invoice functionality.

    Bonus: Expense reimbursement request

    There’s no reason to pay for access to FreshBooks if you’re only using features that are available with other apps for free. Invoicera also offers some other project management and client management features that are probably beyond the needs of most freelancers looking for an invoicing app. As a freelancer I can invoice a client with consumption tax on the invoice, but not pay the consumption tax, yet the client can get the consumption tax he paid to me back. I wouldn’t be suprised if criminals managed to get money from the government through fake invoices. Over 100K freelancers trust HoneyBook to manage projects, book clients, send invoices, and get paid. By incorporating these practices into your freelance business, you can ensure an efficient and professional invoicing process, leading to a more organized workflow and prompt payments.

    freelancers aren happy new invoice system

    Ensuring that your final invoice is accurate and includes all relevant information will help facilitate prompt payment and maintain a professional image in the eyes of your clients. Small business clients are notoriously slow payers, with over 80% paying freelancers late. However, clearly detailing payment terms upfront, implementing systematic reminders, and offering mobile-friendly payment options through billing software cuts invoice cycle times. It should also include the freelancer’s name and contact information, the client’s name, work order/job code number, payment due date, description of work or services rendered, and current payment status. Lastly, the invoice should detail each item with a description, quantity, rate and total due.

    freelancers aren happy new invoice system

    Is there a free online solution?

    For freelancers and small teams tired of drifting aimlessly from project to project, Harpoon offers a way to steer your business with purpose. It transforms the often murky world of project finances into a clear, navigable map, helping you avoid the rocks of unprofitability and sail smoothly towards your financial goals. With Harpoon, you’re not just tracking time – you’re mastering it. Check out how each system’s billing works to see if it meets your needs. Ask about the ability to accept multiple types of online payments.

  • Drinking to cope? Stress, boredom and alcohol use during COVID-19 lockdown

    drinking because of boredom

    If you’ve found yourself noticing, “It seems that I drink because I’m bored and lonely,” the answer lies in our brain’s reward system. Understanding this relationship between boredom and alcohol is crucial for breaking an unhealthy cycle of drinking out of boredom and finding more fulfilling ways to spend our time. Early sobriety is a critical period when community and support networks are critical. This can be hard if your social life previously revolved around drinking.

    drinking because of boredom

    Build a strong support network.

    It’s why nothing seems fun or exciting, and you struggle to motivate yourself to have a good time.

    • That means testing older people, as well as individuals from diverse ethnic and national backgrounds.
    • I wish we could clone you and have thousands of you.
    • Your mood and emotions play a significant role in psychologically induced hunger like boredom eating.
    • This kind of patterned behavior can lead you down a path toward alcohol addiction.
    • When I started to get sober, there was no desirability that was included.
    • I know plenty of people have alcohol use disorder who will throw up and then go right back to the bar to continue drinking, because that’s part of the problem.
    • Dulling our learning centers with a sedative like alcohol makes it much harder to rewire our brains and improve our confidence and comfort in new situations.

    Why do you keep turning to food?

    • It may also take some of the fun away, not to mention a willingness to stay in a noisy bar as the hour grows late.
    • Footprints to Recovery offers alcohol addiction treatment that’s evidence-based and personalized to your clinical needs, preferences, and life situation.
    • Plus, you might meet some cool people, and that’s always a double win.
    • I didn’t go that traditional route of walking into a room, of getting hugs from 100 people.
    • People who consumed a lot of alcohol in settings such as bars and parties can also feel lonely after quitting drinking.

    You have to understand what you’re feeling and WHY you’re feeling this way in order to change it. Getting outside and communing with nature is scientifically proven to reduce stress and improve mental health and cognitive function in both kids and adults. But if you can’t or aren’t able to do a group class, at the very least, take a tech-free 30-minute walk every day. I promise it will do wonders for your mental health, which, in turn, will help you feel motivated to do more things. So much of this list is not just about finding things to do, but treating the underlying causes of extreme boredom in sobriety.

    drinking because of boredom

    Ways to Stop Eating When You’re Bored

    Next time you feel bored, take a few minutes to think about how you’d really like to be spending that time. Consider replacing mindless eating during screen time with another activity, such as knitting, doodling, or playing with a toy or piece of jewelry, to keep your hands busy while you watch TV. Some studies have found that people tend to eat more than drinking out of boredom they otherwise would when they’re distracted or in front of a screen, such as a TV or computer (35, 36, 37).

    drinking because of boredom

    If you have a willing friend or family member, take them along. Plus, you might meet some cool people, and that’s always a double win. Don’t get down on yourself because you can’t get wasted at the bar with your friends anymore.

    You might also worry about whether alcohol is causing permanent damage to your brain or heart health. If your excessive alcohol use is a recurring issue, you might admonish yourself for your poor self-control or even develop a sense of self-loathing. Binge drinking involves a pattern of short but heavy bursts of alcohol use. When you drink like this, you consume enough alcohol over the course of two hours to raise your blood alcohol concentration to the legal limit of intoxication (0.08 percent in the U.S.) or higher.

    Sometimes being sober is boring because your life revolves around alcohol.

    • This can be particularly confounding in educational settings.
    • The lack of sleep worsens your depressive systems, so you turn to alcohol again.
    • But decades passed with only a few people taking a serious interest in the subject.
    • The alternative is either a stale, lackluster lifestyle or one where the only entertainment is destructive addictive behavior.
    • While you can’t force a loved one to abandon their binge drinking habits, voicing your concerns and offering support in the right way may help motivate them to change their ways.

    Boredom and stress are two emotions that can feel as if they are never going to leave. However, as the saying goes, this too shall pass. Valuing and prioritizing yourself in recovery can be a powerful way to remove the hold alcohol has on you. Reframe supports you in reducing alcohol consumption and enhancing your well-being.

    Signs and symptoms of binge drinking

    I won’t lie to you and say that it’s guaranteed that you’ll have a large support network. I won’t lead you on and make you think that everyone will appreciate you trying to become a better human being. All I can do is tell you that the fear is natural, but you have to proceed anyway. If you follow these tips, you’ll finally be able to get your drinking under control.