Month: November 2020

  • To może być kluczowy dzień dla milionów Polaków Marszałek Sejmu wyjaśnia

    6 milionów to jednak trochę dużo

    Wczesną wiosną marka ma zawitać do Warszawy. Projekt przewiduje, że maksymalna cena prądu dla BoE i CFTC wzmacniają transgraniczny nadzór nad rozliczaniem instrumentów pochodnych w nowej umowie gospodarstw domowych na poziomie 500 zł/MWh ma być utrzymana również w 2025 r. Proponowany maksymalny limit wydatków na proponowane rozwiązania zawarte wynosi ponad 5,4 miliarda złotych.

    1. Cały problem polega na tym, że w takiej samej kwocie dostaje ją dożywotnio.
    2. Na rywalizacji w bramce teoretycznie za dużo nie straciliśmy, bo Skorupski i Bułka to dobrzy fachowcy.
    3. Projekt przewiduje, że maksymalna cena prądu dla gospodarstw domowych na poziomie 500 zł/MWh ma być utrzymana również w 2025 r.
    4. Warto sprawdzić, który wariant będzie bardziej opłacalny, bo w zależności od opcji, kwota wdowiej renty będzie inna.

    Bezmyślne podejście korporacji pcha nas w wypalenie zawodowe. Naukowiec obala mit pracy z biura

    Rząd przygotował nowelizację po tym, jak okazało się, że bez pomocy żołnierzy WOT trudno jest zapanować nad skutkami powodzi. Nowelizacja znana jest z nowej ulgi podatkowej na każdego zatrudnionego aktywnego rezerwistę czy terytorialsa. Ta jednak będzie stosowana do dochodów uzyskiwanych dopiero od 1 stycznia 2025 r., a w praktyce firmy skorzystają z niej, składając roczne rozliczenie, czyli dopiero w 2026 r. Warto ADHD Polityka, pieniądze, czy nauka jednak sprawdzić, ile można na niej zaoszczędzić. Będę przedstawiał argumenty, że pomysł wolnej Wigilii jest złym rozwiązaniem.

    Kursy walut 20 listopada. Co się dzieje ze złotym? Po ile jest frank, dolar i euro?

    Potrwa on do 10 stycznia 2025 roku, a zdobywców statuetek poznamy 26 maja. – My przyznajemy nagrodę nie firmom, ale ludziom – podkreśla w rozmowie z TVN24 BiS Krzysztof Kulig, przewodniczący kapituły Nagrody Polskiej Rady Biznesu. Najbardziej opłacalnym zawodem w świątecznym okresie jest Święty Mikołaj, który może zarobić od 31 do 250 złotych na godzinę – informuje Personnel Service, który zbadał zarobki w świątecznych zawodach. Mikołaje zarobią więcej na imprezach firmowych, mniej – w galeriach handlowych. Malezyjska sieć handlowa MR D.I.Y wkracza do Polski. Pierwszy sklep otwarto “po cichu” 15 listopada w Zabrzu, do końca bieżącego roku firma uruchomi jeszcze placówki w Krakowie i Piotrkowie Trybunalskim.

    Wyniesie 1600,32 zł, bo tyle obecnie wynoszą pełne składki. Kolejny wniosek przedsiębiorca będzie mógł złożyć już w grudniu, aby nie zapłacić składek za styczeń 2025 r. Dodajmy, że wakacje składkowe dotyczą również przedsiębiorców korzystających z jednej z form preferencyjnego ZUS, np. Na wtorkowym posiedzeniu Rada Ministrów przyjęła projekt ustawy zamrażającej ceny energii dla gospodarstw domowych na 2025 rok.

    6 milionów to jednak trochę dużo

    Trzynastki i czternastki dla emerytów będą wyższe. Wypłaty 2025

    Oto wyniki losowania Lotto i Lotto Plus z 19 listopada 2024 roku. Rząd na wtorkowym posiedzeniu przyjął projekt ustawy w sprawie finansowania produkcji amunicji w Polsce. Nowe przepisy mają zwiększyć zdolności produkcyjne krajowego przemysłu zbrojeniowego. To, co pokazują dane statystyczne, w swoim portfelu dostrzega Elżbieta Manikowska ze Świecia. – W ciągu roku sam czynsz wzrósł o 100 zł – mówi “Faktowi” i pokazuje rozliczenie opłat za mieszkanie. Mamy dość ciepłą jesień i dlatego nie praktycznie nie korzystam jeszcze z ogrzewania.

    Pracę w fabrykach giganta motoryzacyjnego stracić mają cztery tysiące osób. Prezydent USA przegrywa z przywódcą Chin bitwę o prymat w Ameryce Łacińskiej – ocenił w środę brytyjski dziennik “Financial Times”. Przez pryzmat niedawnych szczytów w Peru i Brazylii gazeta analizuje wpływy obu państw w regionie bogatym w złoża surowców mineralnych. Hołownia podkreślił, że we wtorek Rada Ministrów zajmie się rządowym projektem ustawy o składce zdrowotnej. W projekcie Lewicy zaproponowano ustanowienie 24 grudnia dniem wolnym od pracy.

    Seniorzy w przyszłym roku mogą liczyć na wiele korzystnych finansowo zmian. Opłaty za kolejne odcinki dróg będą pobierane elektronicznie, w systemie e-TOLL. — przedsiębiorca zgłasza do ubezpieczeń nie więcej niż dziewięć osób. Jeśli przedsiębiorca skorzysta z wakacji, to składki zapłaci za niego budżet państwa. Ruszył nabór zgłoszeń do przyszłorocznej, czternastej już, edycji konkursu nagród Polskiej Rady Biznesu.

    Mam świadomość tego, że jesteśmy ograniczeni do piłkarzy z polskim paszportem, nie możemy korzystać z Włochów czy Hiszpanów. Natomiast w sporcie, by wygrać coś ważnego trzeba odlecieć, przełamać bariery, wyjść poza standardy. Nie wiem, czy druga linia ze środkiem Mączyński – Krychowiak w teorii była dużo lepsza od Zielińskiego, Urbańskiego i Sebastiana Szymańskiego. Tym bardziej, że mamy jeszcze Romanczuka, który jest zawodnikiem doświadczonym i mądrym. Nie wiem tylko, czy wystarczy mu zdrowia. Podobnie jak na ME, teraz w meczu z Portugalią również się zdarzyło, że jeśli gra jest intensywna, na wysokim poziomie, to jemu przytrafiają się problemy pod względem motoryki itd.

    W każdym losowaniu Lotto czy Eurojackpot biorą udział tysiące osób, które marzą o całkowitej odmianie w swoim życiu. Niewielka AvaTrade Broker Review: korzyści dla firmy i warunki handlowe cena kuponu oraz perspektywa wygrania milionów kusi każdego, kto wierzy w szczęśliwy traf. Pani Elżbieta mieszka sama, więc jak twierdzi jej opłaty mieszkaniowe mocno nie podskoczyły. Jednak jej sąsiad za samo ciepło otrzymał ponad 500 zł dopłaty. Miliarder i sponsor kampanii wyborczej Donalda Trumpa Howard Lutnick został wybrany na nowego szefa ministerstwa handlu USA – podaje Reuters.

    Do skrzynek pocztowych tysięcy Polaków trafiają już pisma ze spółdzielni i wspólnot informujące o planowanych podwyżkach opłat od 2025 r. W Bydgoszczy, Jeleniej Górze i Blachowni w woj. Mieszkańcy przecierają oczy ze zdumienia, bo już w tym roku opłaty związane z utrzymaniem mieszkania wzrosły o wiele mocniej niż inflacja.

  • Quickbooks Online Pricing & Plan Comparison Explained 2024

    online quickbooks cost

    All of the QuickBooks Online Payroll pricing plans include full-service payroll. That means even the lowest Intuit Online Payroll price tier includes automatic tax and form filing. QuickBooks Online Payroll integrates directly with QuickBooks Online to make managing your business’s finances easier. QBO also won’t teach you accounting and business principles or provide monthly checklists on how to run your how many tax allowances must you claim do you realize bookkeeping business efficiently. FreshBooks’ pricing starts at $17 per month, so it costs a little less than QuickBooks’ $20-per-month plan. FreshBooks stands out for a great set of features, but it does not offer the payroll processing or advanced tools that QuickBooks has.

    QuickBooks Online Advanced is better for large and established businesses because it can have up to 25 users per s corp tax return account. Tracking your inventory includes your products and the cost of goods. This makes it a great option for new small businesses or solopreneurs. Processing fees also differ depending on the type of transaction.

    Intuit sells pre-printed tax forms and kits to businesses who need them. You can order from them directly using your QuickBooks Online account. The Premium plan is enough if you only plan to track the time and attendance of your employees. QuickBooks Time is an app you and your employees can use to track time. You can view employee time data from any device, which is convenient if you have remote workers. You can set up automatic contributions or let your employees decide how much they’ll allot for it.

    1. After that, you can add your worker’s comp policy and set up your payroll taxes.
    2. The QuickBooks Desktop Payroll system works with QuickBooks Desktop products and the QuickBooks Intuit Online Payroll platform, which is available for QuickBooks Online clients.
    3. You can also assign employee cost rates and automatically add their time to invoices.

    Find a plan that fits you

    It also includes inventory tracking, making it a must for an operation that sells more than a few products. Due in part to these reasons, QuickBooks is our pick for the best hospitality accounting software. Read on for a breakdown of QuickBooks Online plans and costs, along with guidance on which package is right for your business. From pros and cons to hidden fees and add-ons, we’ll explain everything you need to know about this top-rated accounting software and its pricing.

    Free Accounting Software for Small Business

    QuickBooks Plus is the most popular plan for businesses since it includes features such as inventory tracking, project management and tax support. Midsized businesses with several customers or clients might benefit from the ability to track profitability with QuickBooks Plus. Once your business is large enough to require more automation and more employees, the Plus Plan likely makes sense, as it allows for recurring payments in addition to time tracking.

    QuickBooks Online Plus Pricing

    online quickbooks cost

    It’s a great option for businesses with multiple locations, those that need product inventory tracking, vendor purchase order management, or job costing (aka project costing). However, bookkeepers and accountants are eligible for up to 30% off the subscription price for their clients. Today, we’ll explore QuickBooks Online pricing and subscription levels to help you choose the best bookkeeping software for your budget and needs.

    It also prevents the business owner from understanding the health of their finances, which is the whole point of bookkeeping. There are several different options when it comes to choosing a QBO subscription. I have chosen not to use Xero simply because most of my clients in the US are using QBO, and I only work with one software to keep my expertise deep and electronic filing options for business and self sharp.

  • How to Start an eCommerce Shop on Amazon and Shopify

    ecommerce quickbooks

    It’s impossible to create an effective e-commerce sales funnel if you aren’t attracting the right customers. With that in mind, the top portion of the funnel is created by generating traffic. Payments are processed and tracked in QuickBooks and deposited directly into your bank account. Get a birds’ eye view of your payouts, sales, and expenses. QuickBooks separates your revenue from taxes and fees, seamlessly mapping it to the right accounts.

    How e-commerce accounting works and what it entails

    ecommerce quickbooks

    Depending on your predicted selling volume and future goals, decide whether you want to sign up for the Individual Plan or the Professional Seller Plan. Then, we will show you how QuickBooks Small Business Accounting Software integrates with these platforms to give you a foundation for success. Topical articles and news from top pros and Intuit product experts. Search engine optimization is about more than just keywords.

    How to start an Amazon store

    1. Plus, all of your sales data can be transferred to QuickBooks Online for automatic bookkeeping, so that’s one less thing you need to worry about.
    2. Starting at just $50 per month you get QuickBooks Commerce and QuickBooks Online.
    3. While you can view your orders and the details of each order, you can’t download them into your QuickBooks Online accounts.

    The Quickbooks Commerce platform for ecommerce businesses is there to integrate and streamline payments, products, orders, and sales data. Essentially, it’s an all-in-one bookkeeping tool with various features that will make your life easier while giving your businesses the means to level up. From there, they can generate financial reports and gain profitability insights while also avoiding out-of-stocks. QuickBooks Commerce is unparalleled in its accounting features because it’s built out of QuickBooks Online software. While most other inventory management brands have to integrate with accounting software, QuickBooks Commerce lets you track income and expenses and run account reports at the click of a button.

    The online retail world offers a vast amount of information about how customers behave, what products they prefer, and current market trends. QuickBooks Commerce is made for small businesses with the price point to match. It prioritizes customers, fulfillment, and multiple sales channels so you can sell anywhere online. Plus, it’s a lot more affordable than almost every other inventory management system on the market.

    Understanding Etsy’s business model

    But increasing your bottom line means getting your brand in front of more potential customers. Optimize your website’s marketing performance with a sales funnel. Quickbooks Commerce can connect with different marketplaces, websites, and sales systems providers. Not only does this provide small businesses with flexibility and scalability to an extent but it can streamline the entire process of bookkeeping from start to finish. Once your Etsy account is created, click ‘Open Your Etsy Shop’ to start customising your online store.

    Set the following preferences to get started with setting up your online Etsy store. E-commerce is a social shift that continues to thrive as consumers globally embrace the convenience of online shopping. The opportunities are abundant for small business owners with a vision of building a successful online business. Once you have the three items above, you’ll be ready to set up your accounting for your e-commerce business.

    E-commerce accounting FAQ

    While you can view your orders and the details of each order, you can’t download them into your QuickBooks Online accounts. Your inventory and products aren’t uploaded to your sales channels. You can continue to track your inventory in QuickBooks Online. The online management and shipping tools that Quickbooks Commerce offers allows you to manage all your sales channels on one singular platform. You can set up notifications to receive alerts on all smart devices, so you can keep an eye on the entire process and mitigate risks.

    A sales funnel is simply a visual representation of the sales process. As visitors come to your website they enter the awareness stage, a process of learning about you and your products. As this targeted group narrows, site visitors turn into prospects and sales leads.

    QuickBooks Commerce is a good, sturdy inventory management platform. It gets the job done and allows you to manage sales and inventory across multiple sales channels. The big thing that sets it apart from other platforms is its low price (starting at $55 per month) and its home in how to calculate profit margin for small business owners QuickBooks Online. Intuit Quickbooks Commerce, formerly known as TradeGecko, falls under the software-as-a-service (SaaS) category. In a nutshell, it’s a cloud-based e-commerce platform designed for small business owners to access and manage multiple sales channels all in one place. The best accounting method for an online business depends on its size, complexity, and specific needs.

  • What Is a Bank Reconciliation Statement, and How Is It Done?

    a bank reconciliation should be prepared

    Compare the balance sheet’s ending balance with the bank statement’s ending balance. When your business issues a cheque to suppliers or creditors, these amounts are immediately recorded on the credit side of your cash book. However, there might be a situation where the receiving entity may not present the cheques issued by your business to the bank for immediate payment. One is making a note in your cash book (faster to do, but less detailed), and the other is to prepare a bank reconciliation statement (takes longer, but more detailed). When you record the reconciliation, you only record the change to the balance in your books. The change to the balance in your bank account will happen “naturally”—once the bank processes the outstanding transactions.

    Bank reconciliation statements ensure that payments were processed and cash collections were deposited into the bank. Bank reconciliation statements are often used to catch simple errors, duplications, and accidental discrepancies. A bank reconciliation statement can help you identify differences between your company’s bank and book balances. The bank will debit your business account only when they’ve paid these issued cheques, meaning there is a time delay between the issuing of cheques and their presentation to the bank. If your bank account, credit card statements, and your bookkeeping don’t match up, you could end up spending money you don’t really have—or holding on to the money you could be investing in your business. This can also help you catch any bank service fees or interest income making sure your company’s cash balance is accurate.

    To see your business as it really is

    These cheques are the ones that have been issued by your business, but the recipient has not presented them to the bank for the collection of payment. Not-sufficient funds (NSF) refers to a situation when your bank does not honour a cheque, because the current account, on which the cheque is drawn, has insufficient funds. More specifically, you’re looking to see if the “ending balance” of these two accounts are the same over a particular period (say, for the month of February). We’re going to look at what bank statement reconciliation is, how it works, when you need to do it, and the best way to manage the task. Once you’ve completed the balance as per the bank, you’ll then need to work out the balance as per the cash book.

    To reconcile your bank statement with your cash book, you’ll need to ensure that the cash book is complete and make sure that the current month’s bank statement has also been obtained. Such errors are committed while recording the transactions in the cash book, so the balance as per the cash book will differ from the passbook. At times, the balance as per the cash book and passbook may differ due to an error committed by either the bank or an error in the cash book of your company. At times, your customers may directly deposit funds into your business’ bank account, but your business will not notified about this the bank statement is received. The reconciliation statement allows the accountant to catch these errors each month. The company can now take steps to rectify the mistakes and balance its statements.

    Accounting Services

    If there are any differences between the bank statement and the balance sheet, cross-check to identify the mistake’s source. If transactions on the bank statements are correct, you need to adjust your books. After identifying the reasons your bank statement doesn’t match accounting records, you have to update your records. If the bank has made errors, notify them so that they correct the transactions. As for outstanding checks, you’ve recorded them in the books, but they haven’t cleared in the bank account. You need to deduct the check amounts from your bank balance to decrease it so that it reflects the balance of your cash book.

    Performing immediate bank reconciliations for large cash amounts or suspicious transactions further increases your ability to catch fraud and error. Keeping on top of your bank reconciliation ensures that you’re always aware of your company’s financial situation. This helps you anticipate any cash flow challenges so you can respond appropriately. Financial accuracy is also important for ensuring that all payments have been fulfilled and orders have been completed. Greg adds the $11,500 of deposits in transit to his bank statement balance, bringing him to $99,500. He also subtracts the $500 in bank fees from his financial statement balance, bringing him to $99,500 and balancing the two accounts.

    a bank reconciliation should be prepared

    Then when you do your bank reconciliation a month later, you realize that cheque never came, and the money isn’t in your books (even though your bookkeeping shows you got paid). Hopefully you never lose any sleep worrying about fraud—but reconciling bank statements is one way you can make sure it isn’t happening. Since you’ve already adjusted the balances to account for common discrepancies, the numbers should be the same. Book transactions are transactions that have been recorded on your books but haven’t cleared the bank.

    What are the two items used to reconcile a bank account?

    You will know about this only when you receive the bank statement at the end of the month. As a result, your balance as per the passbook would be less than the balance as per the cash book. In this instance, your bank has recorded the receipts in your business account at the bank, while you haven’t recorded this transaction in your cash book. As a result, the balance shown in the bank passbook would be more than the liability balance shown in your company’s cash book. The purpose of preparing a bank reconciliation statement is to reconcile the difference between the balance as per the cash book and the balance as per the passbook.

    How often should you reconcile your bank account ?

    1. When they draw money from your account to pay for a business expense, they could take more than they record on the books.
    2. After including all the amounts identified in Step 3, your statements should display the same final balance.
    3. If a company is unaware of the exact amount of these fees, they may not be included in the company’s financial records and will only be seen when they receive their bank statement.
    4. On the other hand, a small online store—one that has days when there are no new transactions at all—could reconcile on a weekly or monthly basis.

    Read on to learn about bank reconciliations, use cases, and common errors to look for. Bank reconciliation isn’t just important for maintaining accurate business finances—it also ensures your customer and business relationships remain strong. Regular bank reconciliation double-checks that all payments have been accurately processed. This includes payments by customers to your company and payments from your company to employees, contractors, and other goods and services providers.

  • How to Start an eCommerce Shop on Amazon and Shopify

    ecommerce quickbooks

    It’s impossible to create an effective e-commerce sales funnel if you aren’t attracting the right customers. With that in mind, the top portion of the funnel is created by generating traffic. Payments are processed and tracked in QuickBooks and deposited directly into your bank account. Get a birds’ eye view of your payouts, sales, and expenses. QuickBooks separates your revenue from taxes and fees, seamlessly mapping it to the right accounts.

    How e-commerce accounting works and what it entails

    ecommerce quickbooks

    Depending on your predicted selling volume and future goals, decide whether you want to sign up for the Individual Plan or the Professional Seller Plan. Then, we will show you how QuickBooks Small Business Accounting Software integrates with these platforms to give you a foundation for success. Topical articles and news from top pros and Intuit product experts. Search engine optimization is about more than just keywords.

    How to start an Amazon store

    1. Plus, all of your sales data can be transferred to QuickBooks Online for automatic bookkeeping, so that’s one less thing you need to worry about.
    2. Starting at just $50 per month you get QuickBooks Commerce and QuickBooks Online.
    3. While you can view your orders and the details of each order, you can’t download them into your QuickBooks Online accounts.

    The Quickbooks Commerce platform for ecommerce businesses is there to integrate and streamline payments, products, orders, and sales data. Essentially, it’s an all-in-one bookkeeping tool with various features that will make your life easier while giving your businesses the means to level up. From there, they can generate financial reports and gain profitability insights while also avoiding out-of-stocks. QuickBooks Commerce is unparalleled in its accounting features because it’s built out of QuickBooks Online software. While most other inventory management brands have to integrate with accounting software, QuickBooks Commerce lets you track income and expenses and run account reports at the click of a button.

    The online retail world offers a vast amount of information about how customers behave, what products they prefer, and current market trends. QuickBooks Commerce is made for small businesses with the price point to match. It prioritizes customers, fulfillment, and multiple sales channels so you can sell anywhere online. Plus, it’s a lot more affordable than almost every other inventory management system on the market.

    Understanding Etsy’s business model

    But increasing your bottom line means getting your brand in front of more potential customers. Optimize your website’s marketing performance with a sales funnel. Quickbooks Commerce can connect with different marketplaces, websites, and sales systems providers. Not only does this provide small businesses with flexibility and scalability to an extent but it can streamline the entire process of bookkeeping from start to finish. Once your Etsy account is created, click ‘Open Your Etsy Shop’ to start customising your online store.

    Set the following preferences to get started with setting up your online Etsy store. E-commerce is a social shift that continues to thrive as consumers globally embrace the convenience of online shopping. The opportunities are abundant for small business owners with a vision of building a successful online business. Once you have the three items above, you’ll be ready to set up your accounting for your e-commerce business.

    E-commerce accounting FAQ

    While you can view your orders and the details of each order, you can’t download them into your QuickBooks Online accounts. Your inventory and products aren’t uploaded to your sales channels. You can continue to track your inventory in QuickBooks Online. The online management and shipping tools that Quickbooks Commerce offers allows you to manage all your sales channels on one singular platform. You can set up notifications to receive alerts on all smart devices, so you can keep an eye on the entire process and mitigate risks.

    A sales funnel is simply a visual representation of the sales process. As visitors come to your website they enter the awareness stage, a process of learning about you and your products. As this targeted group narrows, site visitors turn into prospects and sales leads.

    QuickBooks Commerce is a good, sturdy inventory management platform. It gets the job done and allows you to manage sales and inventory across multiple sales channels. The big thing that sets it apart from other platforms is its low price (starting at $55 per month) and its home in how to calculate profit margin for small business owners QuickBooks Online. Intuit Quickbooks Commerce, formerly known as TradeGecko, falls under the software-as-a-service (SaaS) category. In a nutshell, it’s a cloud-based e-commerce platform designed for small business owners to access and manage multiple sales channels all in one place. The best accounting method for an online business depends on its size, complexity, and specific needs.

  • 54EC Bonds Capital Gain Bonds Features and Benefits with Examples

    54ec bonds

    Download Black by ClearTax App to file returns from your mobile phone. The exemption claimed under section 54EC would be withdrawn, in case the long term specified asset is transferred or converted into the money before the expiry of the period of three years or five years, as the case may be. Section 54EC exemption is available only towards the capital gain arisen on account of transfer of long term capital asset (being land or building or both).

    1. You can invest capital gains arising from sale of assets such as land or building up to Rs. 50 lakh in capital gains bonds to avail tax exemptions under Section 54EC.
    2. We all have Rs.150,000 covered under section 80C in the form of PF or FDs or like.
    3. Arming yourself with the exhaustive handbook places you in an informed position regarding the suitability of 54EC bonds in your investment portfolio.
    4. These bonds are suitable for tax-saving and conservative investors seeking safety.

    The bonds are issued as per the provisions of the section 54EC of the IT Act. They are bonds offered by Rural Electrification Corporation Ltd (REC), Power Finance Corporation Limited (PFCL) and National Highways Authority of India (NHAI), among others. You can invest capital gains arising from sale of assets such as land or building up to Rs. 50 lakh in capital gains bonds to avail tax exemptions under Section 54EC. These 54EC bonds make a good investment for long-term capital gains tax-saving in India. The interest rate may not compare with certain other investment options, but it often stands well with the leverage of tax exemption benefits.

    54ec bonds


    You can purchase these bonds after receiving a capital gain from selling a property. These bonds have five years lock-in period and interest payable annually at the rate of 5.75 percent. When a taxpayer sells long-term immovable property (land or building or both), they have the option to avail capital gain what is cost of goods sold cogs exemption under Section 54EC by investing in certain bonds. You can receive tax exemption under IT section 54EC by investing in these bonds. However, the interest earned is taxable as per the income tax slab. You will need to declare capital gain from 54EC bonds under your return filing since no tax is deducted at the source.

    Income tax slabs for Individuals – FY 2024-25 (New and old tax regime)

    Want to know about more tax-saving investment options or don’t know how to plan your taxes? Check out our Tax Planning Optimizer tool that helps you save taxes beyond Section 80C. Investing in 54EC bonds requires fully what is the difference between depreciation and amortization understanding the terms, benefits, and limitations. Arming yourself with the exhaustive handbook places you in an informed position regarding the suitability of 54EC bonds in your investment portfolio.

    How to get LTCG Exemption through Investment in Capital Gains Bonds

    Equity or a riskier bond not being a fair comparison, it is advisable to save the tax and settle for 5 per cent by investing in 54EC bonds. However, liquidity is one aspect you may keep in mind — investment in 54EC bonds is locked in for five years. It is not fair to compare investments in bonds with equity. Let us say, equity gives X per cent return over five years, and that is taxable at 10 per cent, which is the LTCG rate for equity for a holding period of more than one year. If ₹40 lakh invested in equity yields a return of 9.15 per cent per year pre-tax, which is 8.24 per cent net of tax per year, it grows to ₹59.4 lakh after five years.

    NRI Investment in Bonds is a very popular and rewarding opportunity. In addition, capital bonds offer dual benefit of wealth creation and tax saving. If you have any doubts or queries and want specialized advice from experts at SBNRI, contact us using the button below. You can buy these bonds online through the respective company’s website or contact a broker. Irrespective of how you buy them, you must invest within 6 months of transferring the asset.

    Whether you call them Capital Gains Bonds or 54EC Bonds, these investment tools provide a unique opportunity to secure your long-term gains while enjoying tax exemptions. Tailored for investors seeking to safeguard their capital gains, 54EC Bonds have become a go-to choice in the investment landscape. Let’s delve into the features, benefits, and real-world examples to understand why investors are turning to these bonds. 54EC are capital gain bonds, that is used to receive the capital gain tax exemption.

    Bonds Eligible for Exemption Under Section 54EC of the Income Tax Act

    In case if the capital gain bonds are converted into cash before the period of maturity, then the amount so invested on which tax exemption was claimed, shall be taxable as long-term capital gain in the year of conversion. Section 54EC bonds, also known as Capital gain bonds are fixed income instruments which provide capital gains tax exemption under section 54EC to the investors. Capital Gain Bonds, especially 54EC Bonds, serve as an ideal destination for funds when investors are averse to investing in another property or capital asset. This choice helps them save on long-term capital gain taxes, which can be substantial for assets like property and jewelry.

    These bonds carry interest, which is currently at 5 per cent and is taxable. In the Budget 2024 FM Nirmala Sitharaman has cloud accounting benefits proposed changes in the tax rate on short-term capital gains from 15% to 20%. The tax rate of capital gains arising from the sale of long-term capital assets is 20% if the individual fails to invest such capital gains in specified capital gains bonds.

  • What Are the 4 Phases of Accounting: A Clear Explanation

    9 steps of accounting cycle

    This is because all temporary accounts, like revenue, expenses, and dividends, are reset to zero during the closing process. As a result, only the balances of accounts that carry over to the next accounting period are included in the post-closing trial balance. To create the unadjusted trial balance, the debit and credit balances of each account are summed. If the total debits equal the total credits, the transactions have been accurately recorded and posted. However, if there’s a discrepancy, it signals that errors in journal entries or ledger postings need to be corrected before moving on. Following these nine steps in the accounting cycle helps maintain accurate financial records.

    • The cash flow statement is prepared by listing all of the company’s cash inflows and outflows, and then calculating the net increase or decrease in cash for the period.
    • Such omissions in the accounting cycle steps can lead to a misrepresentation of a company’s actual financial status and performance.
    • During the posting process, each journal entry is analyzed to determine which accounts are affected.
    • Mapping out plans and dates that coincide with your accounting deadlines will increase productivity and results.
    • The accounting cycle helps businesses comply with accounting standards, such as Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (GAAP) and International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS).

    Performance evaluation

    In preparing the adjusted trial balance, verifying the accuracy of each adjustment is essential. This process includes examining the adjustments’ nature, confirming their correct application to the appropriate accounts, and ensuring they are consistent with the accrual accounting principle. The preparation of an adjusted trial balance is a critical phase in the 9 steps of accounting cycle. The accounting cycle consists of nine critical steps that businesses adhere to for the systematic processing of financial transactions and the preparation of precise financial statements. Such adjustments are critical to ensure that the financial statements accurately represent the business’s economic activities, in compliance with accounting principles like matching and accruals. After journalizing the transactions, accountants post them to the respective ledger accounts.

    Step 1: Analyze and record transactions

    Adjustments are necessary to recognize revenues and expenses in the period they are earned or incurred, even if cash transactions haven’t occurred yet. Summarization helps in condensing vast amounts of transactional data into manageable formats, providing a concise overview of the company’s financial position and performance at a given point in time. After organizing the data, the accounting cycle entails summarizing transactions into meaningful aggregates. This is typically done through the use of journals and ledgers, where individual transactions are grouped and totaled according to their respective accounts.

    Preparation of unadjusted trial balance

    9 steps of accounting cycle

    This makes it easier to manage transactions and reduces the complexity of accounting records for the new period. To prepare an adjusted trial balance, accountants start with the existing trial balance and incorporate the adjustments made during the adjusting entries step. This procedure ensures that the debits and credits in the general ledger are balanced, allowing for the confident preparation of financial statements. Accuracy and consistency are essential when recording transactions in the journal.

    Closing the books takes place at the end of business operations on the last day of the accounting period. Then, the next day, a new accounting period begins, and new books are opened. The accounting cycle is a circular process, and as long as a company is in business it will be active. To gain a better understanding of this, consider an error in the general ledger. This entry needs to reference where the error exists so that anyone reviewing it can verify it for accuracy. It documents every transaction, making sure that things are accurate and kept track of.

    Reversing Entries: Optional step at the beginning of the new accounting period

    They identify the accounts affected by the transaction and determine the amount and direction of the impact. Updating your books after each transaction will make the process smooth and make it easy to prepare your company’s financial statements. The accounting cycle is the cumulative process of recording and processing the accounting events of a company. It starts when a married filing separate status on your 2020 or 2021 tax return transaction happens and ends when it is entered into the financial statements. Legally, every business is required to maintain proper documentation of its financial records, allowing external agencies to conduct audits when necessary. When you make a sale, the accounting software automatically adds the transaction to the revenue account and updates the income statement.

    The accounting cycle is a series of eight steps that a business uses to identify, analyze, and record transactions and the company’s accounting procedures. The next step in the accounting cycle is to post the transactions to the general ledger. Think of the general ledger as a summary sheet where all transactions are divided into accounts.

    They are recorded in journal entries under at least two accounts (at least one debited and at least one credited). The process nonetheless does not end with the presentation of financial statements. Subsequent steps are necessary to prepare the accounts for the next accounting period (steps 8-9). The accounting cycle, also commonly referred to as accounting process, is a series of procedures in the collection, processing, and communication of financial information. It involves specific steps in recording, classifying, summarizing, and interpreting transactions and events of a business entity. Once you’ve converted all of your business transactions into debits and credits, it’s time to move them into your company’s ledger.

    It ensures that financial statements provide an accurate and fair view of the company’s financial performance and position. By adhering to this structured process, businesses can effectively manage their financial reporting and make informed decisions. The accounting cycle steps include processes such as recording journal entries, posting to ledger accounts, preparing trial balances, making adjusting entries, and producing financial statements.

    You can also link your ERP and other systems so the accounting software can record and monitor expenses. A trial balance helps check the arithmetical accuracy of recorded transactions. The trial balance is essentially a list of accounts along with their debit and credit amounts. The first step in the accounting cycle is identifying business transactions. Companies use internal controls to ensure all transactions are identified and recorded accurately. Adjusting entries account for items like accrued expenses (e.g., unpaid wages) or deferred revenues (e.g., advance payments for services not yet rendered).

  • Capital Budget: Understanding The Role and Process in Financial Management

    capital budgeting definition

    It requires considering factors such as exchange rate risk, political risk, and different tax and regulatory environments. The profitability index also involves converting the regular estimated future cash inflows using a discount rate, which is mostly the WACC % for the business. Then, the sum of these present values of the future cash inflows is compared with the initial investment, and thus, the profitability index is obtained. The internal rate of return (or expected return on a project) is the discount rate that would result in a net present value of zero.

    Capital Budgeting: Definitions, Steps & Techniques

    However, the numbers used in post audit should come from the actual or observed data rather than the estimated data. This allows managers to perform a side-by-side comparison of actual and estimated numbers and see how successfully their project has been implemented and is moving forward. For each specific technique, companies have a predetermined set of criteria against which they compare the project’s expected results to make their acceptance or rejection decision. For example, if a company applies NPV technique, It must have a predefined net present value (NPV) that the project must meet or exceed to be an acceptable investment. Similarly, if a company uses payback method, it must have a predetermined period within which the project must recover all of its initial investment. A capital budgeting process must be carried out with extreme care and delicacy because the assets that pass through this process largely impact the company’s future performance and growth.

    Internal Rate of Return (IRR)

    The total capital (long/short term) of a company is used in fixed assets and current assets of the firm. PlanGuru is another software offering comprehensive budgeting and financial forecasting. Its considerable the ins and outs of asset strength lies in flexibility, offering options for both start-ups and established businesses. In addition, it includes an informative analysis dashboard presenting a graphical view of financial metrics.

    Payback Period

    • Besides, the factors like viability, profitability, and market conditions also play a vital role in the selection of the project.
    • Unless capital is constrained, or there are dependencies between projects, in order to maximize the value added to the firm, the firm would accept all projects with positive NPV.
    • Its considerable strength lies in flexibility, offering options for both start-ups and established businesses.
    • Using the more common capital budgeting decision tools, let us calculate and see which project should be selected over the other.
    • Capital budgeting is the process that a business uses to determine which proposed fixed asset purchases it should accept, and which should be declined.

    Opportunity costs are the benefits lost because of investment decisions and important to consider when capital budgeting. The time value of money is about the potential rate of return on the investment as well as the reduced purchasing power over time due to inflation. Lastly, the profitability index, also known as the benefit-cost ratio, is the ratio of payoff to investment. It is calculated by dividing the present value of future cash flows by the initial investment cost. If the profitability index is greater than 1, the project is considered profitable.


    For this purpose, they can apply various risk analysis techniques like sensitivity analysis, scenario analysis, risk adjusted discount rate and certainty equivalent cash flow etc. Real options analysis has become important since the 1970s as option pricing models have gotten more sophisticated. The discounted cash flow methods essentially value projects as if they were risky bonds, with the promised cash flows known. But managers will have many choices of how to increase future cash inflows, or to decrease future cash outflows. In other words, managers get to manage the projects – not simply accept or reject them. Real options analysis tries to value the choices – the option value – that the managers will have in the future and adds these values to the NPV.

    capital budgeting definition

    While some are straightforward, others take into account more complex factors such as the time value of money and the risk level of the investment. Therefore, businesses tend to use a combination of these methods when deciding on capital budgeting. Investing in capital assets is determined by how they will affect cash flow in the future, which is what capital budgeting is supposed to do. The capital investment consumes less cash in the future while increasing the amount of cash that enters the business later is preferable. Capital asset management requires a lot of money; therefore, before making such investments, they must do capital budgeting to ensure that the investment will procure profits for the company. The companies must undertake initiatives that will lead to a growth in their profitability and also boost their shareholder’s or investor’s wealth.

    Accountants study the impact on profitability and provide required data for decision-making. Capital budgeting is a method of assessing the profitability and appraisal of business projects by comparing their Cash Flow with cost. As mentioned earlier, these are long-term and substantial capital investments, which are made with the intention of increasing profits in the coming years. Choosing the most profitable capital expenditure proposal is a key function of a company’s financial manager. Follow-ups on capital expenditures include checks on the spending itself and the comparison of how close the estimates of cost and returns were to the actual values.

    Capital budgeting is part of the larger financial management of a business, focusing on cash flow implications when making an investment decision. Managers will look at how much capital will be spent for a purchase against how much revenue can be generated by the increased output directly related to the purchase. Some of the major advantages of the NPV approach include its overall usefulness and that the NPV provides a direct measure of added profitability. In the two examples below, assuming a discount rate of 10%, project A and project B have respective NPVs of $137,236 and $1,317,856. These results signal that both capital budgeting projects would increase the value of the firm, but if the company only has $1 million to invest at the moment, then project B is superior.

  • What is 2C-B? Effects & Risks

    2cb side effects

    Most amphetamines or other stimulants tend to produce a rapid comedown — which can make users feel depressed. The higher you go over the 15 mg dose, the more likely you are to experience challenging or uncomfortable experiences. The post covid alcohol intolerance hallucinations on 2C-B can escalate very quickly at higher doses. Some could even describe the visuals at higher doses to be “cartoon-like” — which is similar to the visuals experienced with higher doses of mescaline. Most people who use more than 35 or 40 mg of the drug report intense, often scary, or confronting hallucinations. Lower doses of around 5 mg have effects most similar to MDMA or Adderall, while the higher doses (more than 15 mg) offer formidable hallucinogenic effects comparable to LSD, psilocybin, or mescaline.

    1. 2C-B isn’t used medically because of its current standing as a Schedule I substance in the United States.
    2. The 35 mg dose is a potent psychedelic — and very high doses (50 mg or more) are profoundly psychedelic and have even been known to induce out-of-body experiences.
    3. The simplest way to recognize signs of use is through observational study.
    4. There have been reports of 2C-B triggering a false-positive on amphetamine tests, but this is very rare.
    5. Maximum effects (Emax) and the time needed to reach maximum effects (tmax) were also calculated for the mentioned variables.

    These Academics Went Public About Using Drugs

    Touch, smell, taste, color, maverick house sober living and sound all tend to be enhanced during this time, and many people report feeling squarely “in the body”—aware of their muscles and nerves and merging with physical nature. Unlike on MDMA, sexual arousal can be maintained throughout the 2C-B experience. With insufflation, the effects are more abrupt and intense but have a significantly shorter duration, while oral usage results in a milder, longer experience. When insufflated, the onset happens very rapidly, usually reaching the peak at about 20–40 minutes and plateauing for 2–3 hours. In a similar manner to other NSPs and some psychedelics, the human pharmacokinetics of 2C-B has not yet been fully resolved. Analysis of oral fluid samples by LC–MS/MS concentrations ranged from 1.43 to 7.73 ng/ml, with an average peak concentration of 4.19 ng/ml observed between 1 and 3 h after administration.

    2cb side effects

    “2C-B is a cheap MDMA substitute”

    Regarding 2C-B, as other hallucinogenic phenethylamines, is a partial agonist of 5HT2A, 5HT2B, and 5HT2C receptors (Rickli et al., 2015; Luethi et al., 2017). Other studies however have reported that may act as a 5HT2A full antagonist (Villalobos et al., 2004). It elicits weak response (5–10%) in both phospholipase A2–arachidonic acid (PLA2–AA) release and phospholipase C-inositol phosphate (PLC-IP) accumulation on 5HT2A receptors (Kurrasch-Orbaugh et al., 2003; Moya et al., 2007). The metabolism of 2C-B has been studied in experimental animals and in vivo models (Kanamori et al., 2002, 2005; Carmo et al., 2004; Theobald et al., 2007). It is generally assumed that 2C-B is metabolized mainly by the monoamine oxidase enzymes, MAO-A and MAO-B, and, to a lesser degree, by the CYP450 system (Carmo et al., 2005; Pichini et al., 2008; Kanamori et al., 2013, 2017). Currently, there are not data available describing active metabolites that could contribute to overall effects, therefore, 2C-B seems the active one while the rest are inactive or nearly so.

    However, results of 2C-B pharmacokinetics indicate that 2C-B can be detected in oral fluid at very low concentrations up to 16–24 h after self-administration. Unfortunately, the interpretation of 2C-B concentrations in oral fluid is extremely difficult without data from plasma (not performed in this study neither in any study involving humans). By contrast, collection of oral fluid is easy and non-invasive, and was the method selected to obtain pharmacokinetic data in this study. Anecdotally, in two subjects involved in a road accident, 2C-B has been identified in blood at concentrations of 1.6 and 14 ng/ml together with amphetamine (Busardò et al., 2017). Our results showed the highest scores for intensity, volition and affect subscales. Interestingly, the present study found that the HRS scores were similar to those 2C-B ratings reported by recreational psychedelic users.

    The Very Illegal Cafe Where You Can Take Shrooms and Chew Coca

    In relation to the VESSPA-SP questionnaire, 2C-B induced significant increases compared to baseline in all subscales. The main changes were observed in SOC (pleasure and sociability), ACT (activity and energy), and S (sedation) subscales. Alternatively, you may have a spirit guide or trip sitter—someone who remains sober and monitors your well-being throughout the experience. 2C-B’s anesthetizing effects can also cause severe injuries to go unnoticed, discouraging people from seeking medical attention. A 2015 study in Spain suggested that the drug reduced aggression and encouraged open-mindedness, but the results were inconclusive. To our best knowledge, there have been no scientific studies into the long-term effects of 2C-B use.

    How Does 2C-B Impact Mental Health?

    Because 2C-B can inhibit one’s spatial coordination and attention span, a space as free from hazards as possible is the ideal setting for an experience. The drug’s mild anesthetic effect can sometimes allow injuries to go unnoticed.1126 Driving is especially dangerous while under the influence and should always be avoided. We’re running a continual survey on the use of 2C-B to better understand the effects and use patterns surrounding this unique psychedelic substance.

    2C-B is a novel psychoactive drug that alters a person’s thought process, sense of time, and emotions. Though part of the same family of compounds, 2C-B isn’t the same as 2C-P, the more dangerous drug implicated in the death of Louella Fletcher-Michie at Bestival in 2017. Unlike 2C-B, 2C-P has a history of overdoses dating back to the early-90s – although Fletcher-Michie was the first recorded death – and today is sold by just one darknet dealer. However, it’s still available on the regular internet as a research chemical from legal sites aimed, in theory, at scientists. 2C-B affects the heart rate, blood pressure, and the central nervous system, which could make it unsafe for people with convulsive seizure disorders (e.g. epilepsy), heart problems, diabetes, schizophrenia, or a history of mental illness. Horror stories in sensationalist media have portrayed 2C-B as a deadly, threatening drug.5051 And while its toxicity profile has yet to be fully established, such reports are dubious, to say the least.

    People often take it with other psychedelic drugs, increasing the probability of addiction and even alcoholic ketoacidosis smell death. While hallucinogens are not typically addictive, 2C-B’s stimulant effects can lead to addiction, causing long-term negative effects. People may depend on the drug to achieve positive feelings, neglecting aspects of their daily lives to acquire or use it. People diagnosed with a mental illness are more significantly at risk of its adverse effects. Because 2C-B induces psychedelic sensations, many people with an existing mental illness have a greater chance of getting an unpleasant experience. Polydrug use is a term for the use of more than one drug or type of drug at the same time or one after another.